Arts & Media
View the arts and media the young people produced as part of the project
As part of the project the young people produced this website, two murals, a theatre production and a short documentary as ways of Sharing Swindon’s Story with our local community – that’s you!
We hope you enjoy their creations, learn something from them and that they, in some way, help you feel good or differently about Swindon’s wonderful heritage.
Please be sure to complete the Feedback Form to let us know what you think. This is really important to us and also to our funders who want to know what difference the project and their funding has made.
The first mural was produced during the school summer holidays in 2018. It depicts the young people’s favourites parts of Swindon’s heritage, the railways and the Mechanics’ – and of course the theatre and the baby elephant that was once hoisted on to it!
This mural was produced with the support of Gwen and Karen.

The second mural was produced by the young people during the easter holidays 2019. It tells the story of the Mechanics’ Institution and its associated community and cultural story. The 2 and the STAR, represent the listing grading of the building (II*) with the star, which has been depicted as a shooting star, representing the social heritage – which was why the building was upgraded from a Grade II to a II* in 1995 by Historic England.
This mural was produced with the support of Sally and Martin from Artsite.

Both murals have been fastened to the hoardings of the Mechanics’ Institution, at the South end of the building facing Central Community Centre. Please do take a visit there to see them in person!

TV programme
Working with Viewpoint Community Media, the young people made a community TV programme. ‘Life of a Railway Worker’ is a fascinating piece that not only documents what life was like for Swindon’s railway workers, both inside and outside the works, but also shows how much Swindon, which is still a relatively new town, has changed in a short time.
The young people also wrote and performed a theatre production, working with Prime Theatre.
‘If Walls Could Talk’ was performed at The Platform during the Autumn half term in 2018. You can watch a video of the performance below.